Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde

Shine on: Quadruple amputee shares her story to be a light for others facing dark situations

Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde Shine on: Quadruple amputee shares her story to be a light for others facing dark situations

Jun 19, 2020

14:27 Now playing

Episodes Notes

“Honey, you’ve been very ill and they’ve had to amputate …” His voice cracked. I searched his face, looking for some kind of clue to tell me why I sensed so much pain from him and in me. “… Your hands and feet.”

Cyndi was a successful business manager, working in product and sales and marketing management, and a new mom when necrotizing fasciitis (otherwise known as flesh eating disease) entered her life, and altered it forever. She awoke after five weeks of battling this disease, to find her hands and feet had been amputated in an effort to save her life.

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