Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde

Dr. Amanda Porter: Is anxiety a sin? Finding freedom from mental illness

Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde Dr. Amanda Porter: Is anxiety a sin? Finding freedom from mental illness

Jun 8, 2023

22:01 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Anxiety is the most common mental illness diagnosis, and those who suffer from it often feel overwhelmed, out of control, ashamed, lonely, and spiritually defeated.

Many Christians question whether anxiety is a sin and wonder why it so often persists despite prayer and faith.

The truth is that anxiety is an emotion that can serve as a life-saving tool, offering instinctual responses to danger. 

Dr. Amanda Porter, a psychiatric nurse practitioner with triple-board
certifications in internal medicine, psychiatry/mental health, and addiction
openly shares that she, too, struggles with anxiety.

Today on Connections, Dr. Porter shares some coping strategies, spiritual guidance, and refreshing encouragement to help those struggling to discover personal freedom

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