Culture At A Crossroads

Marc Emery on the Legalization of Weed in Canada and Building a Marijuana Empire

Culture At A Crossroads Marc Emery on the Legalization of Weed in Canada and Building a Marijuana Empire

Feb 20, 2020

36:58 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Marc Emery is likely Canada's most well-known advocate for marijuana. The 'Prince of Pot' has both smoked illegally and been arrested in every major city across the country. His ambition to create a culture around cannabis, including media, politics, and literature unfolded like that of a mastermind CEO on Bay Street. 

Emery started his career a bookstore owner in London, Ontario, but eventually moved to Vancouver where he fully invested into the marijuana industry. Following a five-year prison sentence in 2015, Emery has since lived in...

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