Culture At A Crossroads

Jeremiah Brown on Becoming an Olympic Rower in 4 Years

Culture At A Crossroads Jeremiah Brown on Becoming an Olympic Rower in 4 Years

Mar 5, 2020

43:37 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Every once in a while you get a story so compelling that the stock life of it never seems to expire. Jeremiah Brown's journey to Team Canada Rowing for the 2012 Olympics is an experience that he recalls on a regular basis.

He was a recent university graduate with a newborn son, and yet he had an ambition to pursue his newfound sports dream, but in doing so this would take him and his girlfriend across the country. 

The best-selling author is a frequent keynote speaker for top Canadian and world companies. Don't miss what you can apply to your life from an Olympic athlete. And, identity is often tied to what you're doing rather than who you are...

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