Culture At A Crossroads

Andrew Campbell on Communicating to the Consumer and the Future of Farming

Culture At A Crossroads Andrew Campbell on Communicating to the Consumer and the Future of Farming

Apr 16, 2020

48:20 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Agriculture is rapidly changing in Canada. The family farm is disappearing, and with the rise of more people who abstain from eating meat or drinking cow milk, the competition for food has never been more fierce.

​Andrew Campbell is not only a farmer from Middlesex County (near London Ontario), he, along with his wife Jess also run Fresh Air Media. It's an organization that helps share the full story of where our food comes from. From columns to podcasts to advocacy, Andrew is a sought after keynote speaker right across North America.

Andrew will help unpack the significance of emotion when it comes to buying food. He'll also address the common concerns raised to farmers like animal welfare...

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