Culture At A Crossroads

Scott Barney on Coaching the Humboldt Broncos since the Crash

Culture At A Crossroads Scott Barney on Coaching the Humboldt Broncos since the Crash

Apr 23, 2020

28:02 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Meet Scott Barney. The former professional hockey player competed in hockey leagues all around the world, including the NHL. Upon returning home from his most recent stint playing in Asia, news broke about the devastating bus crash to the Humboldt Broncos.

Like everyone else in Canada, Barney was deeply moved by the fatal collision. The small Saskatchewan town was now on his radar. When an assistant coaching job came up for the Broncos, the seasoned hockey player applied and began his career behind the bench. 

On this episode, Barney will talk about the transition from player to coach. He'll also offer insight of what it's like to coach a junior team with added spotlight.

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