Culture At A Crossroads

Harry White on the life of a professional Pogo athlete

Culture At A Crossroads Harry White on the life of a professional Pogo athlete

May 21, 2020

36:08 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Harry White is a pogo athlete from Orillia, ON. Upon watching his first Pogo World Cup, he quickly realized his passion for the extreme sport, often just pogoing around campus.

Harry knows how important it is to really enjoy what you’re doing, which can be easy when you get to travel the world. White has played with the XPogo Stunt Team in Australia, England, Wales, Mexico, over 40 of the United States. He’s also provided some entertainment for church goers, even during the service. 

 On the show Harry will share from his experience just how challenging it is to learn the unconventional sport of pogo...

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