Culture At A Crossroads

Dr. David Fisman on how COVID spreads, effective prevention, and Canada's Endgame

Culture At A Crossroads Dr. David Fisman on how COVID spreads, effective prevention, and Canada's Endgame

Feb 11, 2021

44:14 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Throughout Canada's Covid crisis Dr. David Fisman has become one of Canada's (Ontario's) most trusted epidemiologists and also one of the government's toughest critics. The professor from the University of Toronto’s Dalla School of Public Health joins the show in part two of the two-part series ‘Coping with Covid’ to break down COVID-19 and how it spreads. He answers the question, how can the virus be so infectious and yet so not infectious?

He uncovers how effective communication is actually one of the greatest prevention tools at our disposal. And, he offers his prediction for when life will be back to normal in Canada.

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