Culture At A Crossroads

Andrew Scheer on his personal Faith, leading the Canadian Conservatives, and the 2019 election

Culture At A Crossroads Andrew Scheer on his personal Faith, leading the Canadian Conservatives, and the 2019 election

Apr 16, 2021

43:40 Now playing

Episodes Notes

Season 2 concludes with former Conservative Party leader and the Leader of the Opposition (current MP) Andrew Scheer. He joins the show to unpack the 2019 election, and offer his thoughts on the state of Canadian and Conservative politics. Don’t miss his story of how the devout Catholic’s faith became so personal, and why he wasn’t expected to be the leader of the Conservatives in the first place.

He talks about the role each of his parents have had in shaping his religion, and explains why his strong convictions offer him peace even in the face of adversity. Plus, how his Sens concession job fed his addiction to popcorn.

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