
Discover Moose Jaw News Podcast - Mike Crabtree from the Saskatchewan Reseach Council talks microreactors

DiscoverMooseJaw Discover Moose Jaw News Podcast - Mike Crabtree from the Saskatchewan Reseach Council talks microreactors

Jun 18, 2024

27:31 Now playing

Episodes Notes

On this episode of the Discover Moose Jaw News Podcast, Gordon Edgar interviews Mike Crabtree, president and CEO of the Saskatchewan Research Council, which is poised to develop the world’s first practical application of a nuclear microreactor.  Listen to the full interview to learn about what a microreactor looks like, how it is fueled and defueled, its many potential uses, how microreactor research and development could affect Saskatchewan’s economic future, why nuclear baseline power fits perfectly alongside solutions like wind and solar, and more. 


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