Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde

Andrea Duncan: How one family's deep loss is bringing comfort to others

Connections with Mike Thom and Colleen Houde Andrea Duncan: How one family's deep loss is bringing comfort to others

Oct 7, 2022

20:55 Now playing

Episodes Notes

October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month.

In January 2020, the Duncan family experienced a loss that left them with a void in their life. 

Their son Kaius was born still.

Their world was shattered. Andrea searched for comfort and found hope in a support group on Facebook. It was also there that she learned about cuddle cots. 

A cuddle cot is a cooling unit that preserves a stillborn baby’s body so that parents can spend a few more hours with their lost newborn.

To keep their son's memory alive, the Duncans started a fundraiser and were able to raise enough to purchase one cuddle cot for the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg.

Today on Connections, Andrea shares her heartbreaking story and how they are using this experience to help others. 

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